Houghton Jones Neighborhood Association
Fostering a Sense of Community since 1992
Sister Lois A. Sheaffer After School Enrichment Program
We improve learning skills of youth by helping with homework, providing additional practice and instruction in all core academic areas with emphasis on reading. Through this program, students also learn about non-academic subjects like nutrition, cooking, character building, sewing, computers, and so much more!
We are always in need of volunteers to help our youth be successful!

Community Enrichment
We have community meetings every other month on the 2nd Thursday of that month at 6pm. Meetings will be posted on our event calendar for the year. All residents are invited to discuss the needs and safety of our community. We have various guest speakers and there are representatives from the police and fire departments. Very important information is provided by all and answers to questions. We also have various programs and activities throughout the year. We host picnics, community clean-ups, and neighborhood safety patrols. Lastly, we offer a computer lab open to the public for job searches, learn computer skills, send emails, and etc.

Community Garden
We have two community gardens that families in the neighborhood help garden. Through the garden project we teach gardening skills and expose families to healthier foods. This promotes pride in self-accomplishment and encourages community involvement. Participants explore the garden to understand the relationship between people, the environment, and growing food. We also partner with the City Rescue Mission of Saginaw. The community garden could not exist without the sweat equity (volunteered time and effort) of the community and is always happy to welcome more individuals to come and donate their time so that the garden can be bountiful and shared amongst the community.

Summer Youth Enrichment Program
Every Summer we host a day camp for children ages 6 through 3 designed to reduce the “summer slide”. The youth participate in academic activities, gardening, technology, poetry, crafts, creative dance, field trips, and so much more! We partner with organization such as READ Program, MSU Extension, TMCA, First Students, Saginaw Public Libraries, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and a whole lot more to provide additional enrichment and education. We feel, our free summer youth program is the best in the city!
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